The average house price on FEN LANE is £848,015
The most expensive house in the street is FEN FARM FEN LANE with an estimated value of £1,366,755
The cheapest house in the street is GIPSY COTTAGE FEN LANE with an estimated value of £515,179
The house which was most recently sold was FOXGLOVES FEN LANE, this sold on 21 Aug 2020 for £537,500
The postcode for FEN LANE is IP7 7NL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
BRETTFIELDS FEN LANE Detached £1,116,695 £675,000 19 Jan 2007
FEN FARM FEN LANE Detached £1,366,755 £1,100,000 22 Jul 2019
FOXGLOVES FEN LANE Detached £649,269 £537,500 21 Aug 2020
GABLE END FEN LANE Detached £543,478 £280,000 27 Aug 2004
GIPSY COTTAGE FEN LANE Detached £515,179 £390,000 8 Dec 2016
THE COTTAGE FEN LANE Detached £968,830 £330,000 24 May 2002
VYNLEY FEN LANE Detached £775,900 £275,000 19 Jul 2002